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Rif.: ec-europa-eu / rappresentanza It-Mi

Comunicato - 27 Giugno 2022

«Ucraina: l'UE mobilita riserve di emergenza per far fronte alle minacce chimiche, biologiche, radiologiche e nucleari»

«A seguito di una richiesta del governo ucraino riguardante attrezzature mediche, dispositivi di protezione e attrezzature specializzate contro rischi per la salute pubblica quali minacce chimiche, biologiche, radiologiche e nucleari (CBRN), la Commissione europea ha mobilitato le nuove riserve di emergenza rescEU.

Le attrezzature fornite dall'UE comprendono 300 000 tute protettive specializzate, 5 600 litri di decontaminanti e 850 dotazioni per le operazioni di decontaminazione. Poiché gli ospedali ucraini hanno urgente bisogno di attrezzature mediche, l'UE dona anche monitor per pazienti, pompe per infusione e ventilatori, nonché dispositivi di protezione per il personale medico, come mascherine e camici. L’assistenza, del valore totale di 11,3 milioni di €, sarà fornita all'Ucraina attingendo alle scorte d’emergenza dell'UE ospitate da Romania, Ungheria, Svezia, Germania, Grecia e Danimarca.

Il Commissario per la Gestione delle crisi, Janez Lenarčič, ha dichiarato: "La guerra ingiustificata della Russia e gli attacchi contro le strutture sanitarie hanno messo sotto forte pressione i sistemi sanitari ucraini. Negli ultimi quattro mesi abbiamo lavorato 24 ore su 24 per far sì che l'UE risponda prontamente alle richieste di attrezzature specifiche e forniture umanitarie provenienti dall'Ucraina: 30 paesi hanno già donato merci mediante il meccanismo unionale di protezione civile, ma, date le enormi esigenze mediche causate dalla guerra in corso, abbiamo mobilitato le riserve strategiche di rescEU. Stiamo inviando all’Ucraina attrezzature mediche e attrezzature apposite per le emergenze chimiche, biologiche o nucleari. Gli ospedali e gli operatori sanitari in Ucraina lavorano sotto le bombe, e noi dobbiamo fare tutto il possibile per fornire loro le attrezzature necessarie per salvare vite umane."»

Per maggiori informazioni:

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Rif.: ec-europa-eu / Brussels

Press release - 27 June 2022

«Ukraine: EU mobilises emergency reserves for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats»

«Following a request from the Government of Ukraine for medical equipment, protective gear and specialised equipment for public health risks such as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats, the European Commission has mobilised its new rescEU emergency reserves.

EU provided equipment includes 300,000 specialised protection suits, 5,600 litres of decontaminants and 850 pieces of equipment for decontamination operations. As hospitals in Ukraine are in urgent need of medical equipment, the EU is also donating patient monitors, infusion pumps and ventilators, together with protective equipment for the medical staff, like masks and gowns.

With total financial value of €11.3 million, this assistance will be delivered to Ukraine from the EU's emergency stockpiles hosted by Romania, Hungary, Sweden, Germany, Greece and Denmark.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said: “Russia's unjustified war and attacks on healthcare facilities have put Ukraine's health systems under severe pressure. For the past four months we have worked around the clock to ensure the EU's swift reaction to Ukraine's requests for specific equipment and humanitarian supplies. Already 30 countries have donated goods to Ukraine via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, but given the immense medical needs caused by the ongoing war, we have mobilised the rescEU strategic reserves. Medical equipment, and equipment tailored to chemical, biological or nuclear emergencies are on the way to Ukraine. Hospitals and medical workers in Ukraine are working under fire, and we must do everything in our power to provide them the necessary tools to save lives.”

The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre is in constant contact with the Ukrainian authorities to provide further assistance based on the specific needs indicated by Ukraine.


Following the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, rescEU provides an extra layer of protection and ensures a faster and more comprehensive response to disasters. The rescEU reserve is 100% EU-financed and the European Commission maintains, in close cooperation with the country hosting the reserve, control of their operation. In an emergency, the rescEU reserve provides assistance to all EU Member States, Participating States to the Mechanism and can also be deployed to EU neighbouring countries.   

To improve the EU's preparedness and response to public health risks such as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats, the Commission has been building strategic reserves of response capacities through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. These include stockpiles that include both medical and CBRN medical countermeasures and equipment.»

For More Information

EU civil protection and humanitarian aid in Ukraine


Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)

EU Civil Protection Mechanism


Rif.: «Ucraina: l'UE mobilita riserve di emergenza per far fronte alle minacce chimiche, biologiche, radiologiche e nucleari» - 27Giugno2022 [Rif.: ec-europa-eu / rappr. It-Mi] || > «Ukraine: EU mobilises emergency reserves for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats» - Press release, 27June2022, Brussels.

Ulteriori Informazioni:

'Ukraine: EU mobilises emergency reserves for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats' - Press release | 27 June 2022 | Brussels:


'European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations' >> Ukraine - Factsheet:

___ rescEU

'European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations' >> 'rescEU' - Factsheet:

Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) - Factsheet:

'EU Civil Protection Mechanism' - Factsheet:



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Resp.: Marina Palmieri

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